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古巴帕特加斯 妙丽25支木盒装 PARTAGAS 25 Mille Fleurs-3390

帕塔加斯 妙丽3390

Partagas Mille Fleurs








  帕塔加斯千里之花Mille Fleurs属手工长芯叶雪茄,味道香浓,很好的性价比,更适合作为日常雪茄长期使用。是馈赠友人的最佳商务礼品。适合存放三年以上醇化后,口感更好。 

Patagas miaoli

Partagas Mille Fleurs

Origin: Havana, Cuba

Production: Manual (long core leaf)

Length: About 13cm

Diameter: about 1.7cm

Ring diameter: 42

Package: packed in 25 wooden boxes

Taste: full and rich taste, rich aroma

Mille Fleurs, the flower of patagas, is a hand-made long core leaf cigar. It tastes fragrant and has good cost performance. It is more suitable for long-term use as a daily cigar. It is the best business gift for friends. It is suitable for storage for more than three years and tastes better after aging.



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